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Horse Properties for Sale in Santa Fe County Southeast

As the Old Santa Fe Trail winds north, these lovely, heavily-forested communities run alongside. Located in the foothills of the Sangres, the lower elevations provide rolling hills of pinon and juniper with the high-elevation nestled in mountainous terrain. The area includes Cloudstone, La Vista, Coyote Mountain Road, Mercer, Double Arrow Road, La Barberia, Overlook I and II, north and south of Old Santa Fe Trail from Camp Stoney cutoff. All have wonderful views of the Sandias and famous Santa Fe sunsets. Most lots start at 2.5 acres and some are over ten.

Horse Properties for Sale in Santa Fe County Southeast

503 Camino Del Monte Sol


8 beds 12 baths 10,098 sf

Southeast City, North

5200 Old Santa Fe Trail


7 beds 12 baths 12,326 sf

Southeast City, South

38 Johnsons Ranch


3 beds 4 baths 2,785 sf

Southeast County

106 Overlook Road


4 beds 2 baths 4,038 sf

Southeast County

4 Red Hills Lane


1 beds 1 baths 2,840 sf

Southeast County

20 Grey Fox Lane


Southeast County