Horse Properties for Sale near Santa Fe, New Mexico | Search by Map
As part of the Old West, the rural communities near Santa Fe, NM continue to be horse-friendly, with equestrian parks and trails surrounding the city. Horse properties are readily available in the rural communities surrounding Santa Fe, from full-blown equestrian centers to homes on land that allow horses but may not have facilities on site. When searching to buy a horse property in Santa Fe, be aware that many covenants (set when parcels are subdivided) may limit the number of horses allowed on the property (often one for every five acres) as well as the size and type of barn and fenced area. You can search listings at this site for Santa Fe Horse properties under “Search Homes” and by clicking the box “Horses Allowed.” A horse property in Santa Fe real estate means that horses are allowed, but not that there necessarily are horse facilities on site. If facilities are in place, this is normally noted in the remarks. A few of the best, current offerings of Santa Fe horse properties, can be found here. For information about Equestrian Events in Santa Fe: see HIPICO Santa Fe: www.hipicosantafe.com. You can click on the map above to find horse properties by area. Call or e-mail me for a more personalized search.
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