Buying Land in
Santa Fe
Buying Land in Santa Fe
Whether you are looking to build your dream home with some space between you and your neighbor, need a location for you and your horses, or are in search of a large ranch, the land for sale surrounding Santa Fe, New Mexico offers parcels both large and small. When buying land in Santa Fe, New Mexico, there are several important considerations:
Insured Specific Access: Land-locked parcels can legally be sold in New Mexico, so be sure you request from the title company handling your transaction that the property you are purchasing has “insured specific access”. This provides you insurance that the access to your property is legally clear.
Easements: It is best to have a full boundary survey done on any land that you are purchasing to be certain that the boundaries are located as anticipated and to be aware of any recorded easements that may cross the property. Access and utility easements are common on rural properties.
Covenants/Deed Restrictions: Your title commitment package will include the most up-to-date convenants and any deed restrictions on the property. Read these covenants carefully to be certain that you will be able to build the size and type of structure(s) you wish to build on your land. Covenants may be more restrictive than the Santa Fe County Land Use Code.
Water/Utilities: The availability of water and distance to utilities is a prime consideration when buying land in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Most rural land for sale surrounding Santa Fe, New Mexico will be on private wells, or shared wells. There are a few small water cooperatives within subdivisions and villages as well. The depth needed to drill to water in New Mexico can vary greatly from parcel to parcel. Most properties on-the-grid in Santa Fe County are served by the Public Service Company of New Mexico. There are parcels of land for sale near Santa Fe, New Mexico that are “off-the-grid” and so no public electrical service is available. These parcels are considered “undeveloped” lots. With the advancement of solar and wind power technologies, off-the-grid properties can now power the typical electrical service as expected in today’s residence, but the up front costs can be significant. Finally, most if not all rural properties will be on a septic system for liquid waste and often also a grey-water system to accommodate the limits of rural water systems in the desert Southwest. For more information on New Mexico Septic Regulations, click here.